25 AWEOM IPHONE TIPS AND TRICKS25 Awesome iPhone tips and tricks By Marc Saltzman | Digital Crave – 7 hours ago Whether you're a seasoned user or brand new to the iPhone world, chances are you're probably not using your smartphone to its fullest. Don't worry, you're not alone, as these pocket-sized computers boast many hundreds of features buried in the operating system. And so here we share a number of our favorite iPhone tips and tricks, some of which you may know already. Hopefully there's a good number of ones you aren't aware of yet. Most of these following 25 suggestions will work with all versions of the iPhone, but be sure to have the latest software installed (iOS 5.1). OK, here we go: Take a photo with your headphone cord: Now that you can use the volume up or down buttons to snap a photo, steady your hand while framing up the photo and when you're ready to take the picture, press 澎湖民宿the button on the cord so it won't shake the iPhone. Voila! Dry out a wet iPhone: You're not the first one to drop an iPhone in a toilet or sink. If this happens, don't turn it on as you can damage the smartphone by short-circuiting it. Lightly towel dry the phone. Don't use a hairdryer on the phone as it can further push moisture into areas that aren't wet. Submerge the iPhone in a bowl or Ziploc bag of uncooked white rice and leave it overnight. If you have it, try using a desiccant packet you might find with a new pair of shoes or leather purse. Dismiss suggested words: If you're typing an email or note and the virtual keyboard is suggesting the correct spelling of the word — and you don't want to accept it — you don't need to tap the tiny "X" at the end of the word in question. Simply tap anywhere on the screen to close the suggestion box. Take photos faster: Even if your iPhone is locked 花蓮民宿you can double-tap on the Home button and you'll see a camera icon you can tap to open the camera immediately. Now you can use the volume up button to snap the photo, too. You can also use the volume up on the headphone cord to take a photo (if you want to) and pinch the screen to zoom instead of using the slider bar. Use location-based reminders: You probably know Siri can be used to set a reminder, like saying "Siri, remind me to call mom at 4pm today." But did you know you can set location-based reminders on your iPhone 4S? Say "Remind me to call mom when I leave here" or "Remind me to call mom when I get home" and you'll be notified accordingly. Get word definitions: Apple has recently added a built-in dictionary and you can access it in most apps that let you select a word. Simply press and hold on a word — such as in an email, reminder, iBooks, and so on — and you'll see a pop-up option for "Define." 看房子Revive a frozen iPhone: If your smartphone freezes on you and pressing the Sleep/Wake button on top of the device doesn't do anything, don't panic. Instead, press and hold the Home button and the Sleep/Wake button at the same time. You'll be prompted to swipe the "Slide to Power Off" tab. This so-called "hard reset" resuscitates the frozen iPhone. You'll first need to wait through a full shut down and restart. Get more done in less time: You can create shortcuts to words and phrases you use a lot, such as Northern California Association for Employment in Education. In Settings, go to General, then Keyboard, and select Add New Shortcut. Now you can add new words or phrases and assign shortcuts to them (such as "NCAEE," in the above example, and it'll type out the full word each time. See a 6-day weather forecast: If you're one of the many weather junkies out there, you probably know you can swipe down 土地買賣the iOS device's screen and you'll see the Notifications center. Weather will be at the top, but did you know you can swipe to the left or right and you'll toggle between current conditions and a 6-day forecast? Plus, jump to the Weather app by tapping anywhere on the weather bar inside Notifications screen. Select URL domains faster: When typing a website address in Safari, you don't have to type the ".com." For example, you can type "yahoo" in the URL box to get to yahoo.com. On a related note, you can press and hold down the .com button and you'll see a list of alternatives to choose, such as .net, .org and .edu. Make your own ringtone: Don't settle with the ringtones provided by Apple and you need not pay your carrier for more of them. As the name suggests, the free Ringtone Maker app lets you take a clip from your favorite songs and make ringtones out of them in seconds. Feel and see when people 永慶房屋call: Apple has added a number of accessibility features to iOS 5, specifically designed to assist those with hearing, vision, mobility and other disabilities. For example, those who are hearing impaired might opt to have the LED flash when a call comes in. If you're seeing impaired, you could set a unique vibration pattern for different people in your Contacts, so you know who's calling. Find your lost iPhone: As long as you sign up in advance, the free Find My iPhone app will help you locate your device on a map (on your computer or other iOS device). You can display a message or initiate a loud ring (in case it's under the cushions), or remotely lock or wipe its data. Save photos in Safari: You're surfing the web in Safari and stumble upon a photo you'd like to save. Simply press and hold on a photo when on a website and you'll be prompted with a menu asked if you'd like to "Save Image." Once 住商房屋the photo is saved, you can view it offline, email it or set it as wallpaper. Take an iPhone screen grab: On a related note, if you want to take a screenshot of a website or application, press down on the Home button and tap the Sleep button. You'll hear the camera click, see a white flash and the screenshot will be saved to your Camera Roll. Get new sounds: It's been a long time coming, but Apple has added the ability to select custom tones for incoming text messages, new emails, voicemails, tweets, calendar alerts, reminders and more. You can select something you like from within the Sounds menu. You'll also notice you can scroll to the top of this list of sounds and you'll see a "Buy More Tones" option, which takes you to iTunes. Zip to the top of the page: In Mail, Safari, Contacts and other apps, simply tap the status bar at the top of the screen — the area that displays time, battery and cell bars — to 太平洋房屋jump back to the top quickly. Prolong your battery: Speaking of the battery, here's how to squeeze more life out of your iPhone between charges. Turn down the brightness of your screen, turn off wireless radios you don't use (such as GPS, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth) and reduce the number of apps with info you have "pushed" to your phone. Also, make sure you lock it before putting in your pocket, purse or backpack or else it could turn on and drain the battery. Spread out the keyboard for easier typing: Here's a tip for iPad users: If you like typing while holding the tablet, rather than stretch your fingers or thumbs for those middle letters like G, H, Y or B, you can drag the keyboard to each side of the screen to separate it into two, allowing you to easily type while holding it. Learn some gestures: Close any app ridiculously fast by putting your four fingers and thumb stretched on the screen and pinch inwards. Sweet! 東森房屋You can also magnify what's on your iPhone screen with a three-finger tap. You'll first need to go to Settings, General, Accessibility, and select the various gestures options here. Create an "app" out of a website you visit often: To add a website to your Home screen, just visit the webpage in Safari and at the top of the screen, tap the Go To icon and select "Add to Home Screen." Create a music playlist on the fly: You no longer need a computer to create a playlist. In the Music app, tap Playlists, then select Add Playlist and give it a name ("Marc's Workout Mix"). Now, tap any song (or video) to add it to the playlist. You can add individual songs, entire albums, or all songs by a particular artist. Don't waste your day deleting messages individually: You can delete unwanted emails en masse rather than deleting one at a time. In your Inbox, simply click the Edit button and check off the emails you want to 21世紀房屋仲介delete with your finger and then choose Delete. Keep track of your texting limits: If you don't have the best texting plan and don't want to unnecessarily pay to send more texts than you need, here's a tip to turn on the character count in the Messages app. Enable this in the Settings>Message option to keep an eye on your word count. Usually, your one text becomes two after 160 characters. Mirror your iPhone with your TV: If you own an Apple TV, you can instantly and wirelessly share exactly what's on your iPhone 4S or second- and third-generation iPad with your HDTV, connected to an Apple TV — such as games, apps or videos. Simply double-tap the Home button, swipe all the way to the right and select AirPlay Mirroring. Yahoo! readers, have a favorite iPhone tip to share? Feel free to leave a comment below.

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93版-南俠展昭(三)93年的包青天其實並沒有真正的落幕,只是金超群他們原來的開封七子並沒有繼續拍華視94版本的,整組人只是換了公司繼續(TVB)在台灣拍,不過台灣並沒有播.而華視最後在尋尋尋覓覓之後的底牌就買房子是焦恩俊來演展昭.一演也是欲罷不能的,後來還到內地繼續拍,而在內地版的包公又換回了金超群.大展當初是拒演這個角色的,只是不知道為何會拒演.而華視當時已有劇本南俠展昭要請他來演,因為是針對何家勁寫的租房子劇,也不知為何沒了下文,反而是包青天先上檔.只是原先不接的角色,又因為他的詮釋而將這個角色發揚光大,世間事真是很難說.當然展昭受歡迎不是只有何家勁演的版本還有另一個人是94焦版的展昭,他們2人將展昭這房屋出租個角色像傳染病一樣的漫延開來.溫潤如玉的展昭在包公--金超群的心目中,最喜歡的還是何家勁演的展昭,覺得他的展昭演來可文可武,英氣中帶有柔情,而不是一昧的剛.在紫金錘,紅花記,血云幡,雷霆怒,青龍珠,畫中售屋網話,踏雪尋梅,五鼠鬧東京,屠龍記,這些單元都是展昭的重頭戲.演繹展昭的俠骨柔情南俠的忠孝仁義.血云幡~~涼亭贈傘(散),女主角最後死在展昭懷裡.踏雪尋梅~~展昭與雪梅  展對梅像兄妹般,但雪梅卻賣房子很喜歡展昭.畫中話~~好久不見的沈海蓉,那麼多的單元只演了這個單元.難得看到會演戲的好演員居然只演了一個單元.誰說展大俠只有英氣而已,他也可以柔情似水滴儒俠的淡定南俠的堅毅雷霆怒~~南俠的忍辱,皇家的新成屋東西真的是很多又到處送,光是黃馬掛就出現了2次,連展昭手上的尚方寶劍都不敵太祖皇帝的黃馬掛,要不是包大人說:能忍就要忍,不能忍也要忍.的話,南俠早把那個柴小王爺踢飛了吧.五鼠鬧東京,想當年八王爺的帥可房屋買賣不比何家勁差哦.也是帥哥一敉.最後單元五鼠鬧東京在金鑾殿上授封三品帶刀護衛~~93版的包青天在風光了將近一年收場,留給觀眾很多很好的回憶,到如今還是不斷的有新的包青天版本呈現螢光幕,也還好現在的科技找房子很發達,可以將影片保留,再加以整理.再看93版的包青天畫面依舊很清晰,而且有字幕.雖然時間不能倒流,但是回憶是美好的,當年這齣戲也為人津津樂道,陪過太多人一年的快樂8點時光.戲劇依然上演著,金三角還是當土地買賣年的金三角,至少還是看到我喜歡的演員還能演展昭.喜見他這幾年的戲劇成長,一個很不一樣又成熟的演技不管是現代人或是古代大俠,只能說他的戲至少可以讓我按n個讚.(尤其是他的無名) 照片出處:展昭貼吧&何家酒店經紀勁貼吧

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孩子們的夢林俊達 這一天我寫功課寫得好累, 當功課寫完時, 我撲進了棉被中馬上入睡. 負債整合 碰!!! 一位穿著軍官衣服的人拿著一把SVD狙擊發射了一發子彈, 忽然 我發現他正看著我, 資產管理公司我轉過身準備逃跑時, 我感覺到我兩腳踩空, 我被 抓了起來, 我叫了起來. " 哇~阿~支票貼現阿..." 他馬上把我放下, 兩發子彈飛到我面前, 他馬上跑了過來......我臉上多 了好小額信貸幾滴紅紅的血. 我從床上爬了起來, 心想我一定可以再見到那位玩槍的好朋友.林建宏 個人信貸在一個昏天暗地的深夜裡, 我睡著睡著不知不覺的進入了夢鄉. 我夢見我走在一個深山裡, 突信用貸款然有一束光線從不遠的煽動裡射了出來 , 我悄悄地走到山洞旁, 當我抬頭看, 哇! 頓時我的眼房屋二胎亮了起來, 眨也不 想眨, 原來是三個人在吃大魚大肉, 旁邊還放置了許多黃金, 我偷偷摸摸 房屋貸款 的走近.....        ( 待續 )

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人生若只如初見 (三) 人生若只如初見 (三) 回到家已經午夜二點,妳還沒睡熟,睡眼惺忪問一句: 『不是同學會嘛,怎麼攪得這麼晚?』,我只『嗯』的一聲, 妳就不再言語,又睡去。 這一夜,雨不斷的下,時停時下。雨點滴在浪板上 『噗-噗-』傳入耳際,就是無法入睡。 心二胎中有事,即使不下雨,想必也不可能安枕而眠。 居然已七年了,我竟有個兒子在外,七歲的兒子, 且不是和妳生的,這該如何是好? 覺肯定是無法安穩睡的,但又不敢起床或亂動, 深怕吵到身旁的妳。只好靜靜地躺著,回想初認識她的時刻, 她那籤細的手幫我抄了四、五十新詩稿,抄得起繭,讓人疼 惜的汽車借款片刻,。。還有霧社的邂逅及苗栗的繾綣,每一景象, 一幕一幕的從大腦的遠方一角閃入,似幻似真,侵蝕著我, 籠罩著整個思緒,讓人喘不過氣來,。。直到妳站在床邊說: 『喂,起床了,八點鐘了,還得上班呢。』 進辦公室,因有突發事件發生,一早就要被請去開會, 坐在會議室內,腦袋鬧烘烘的,什麼意見也提不出。 整合負債 她的身影及七歲孩子的念頭,無時無刻不飛進腦中。 幾無一秒平靜,好不容易,會議結束一看表已下午三點鐘, 直電遠企飯店,報她的名字,說已CHECK OUT。直奔飯店, 櫃頭說她已於中午CHECK OUT,並由飯店安排2點鐘的車子, 接送去中正國際機場五點的飛機,其他就不清楚了。 『怎會這樣?上天竟如此待我?』真是晴融資天霹靂。拜託, 不要一去又是七年,『一定要聯絡到她』,昨天匆忙中僅留飯店 電話,未料。。。 張同學還在台北,他一定有她的手機,豈料張同學台北辦公室 同事,說他外出開會,辦公室也一直聯絡不到他。 『五點的飛機』?現在3點25分,也許還來得及,反正一定是 飛美國的飛機,不會太難找。 當鋪 離開遠企,天空仍是一片陰霾,好像要下雨,但就是沒下來, 氣壓低得讓人喘不過氣來。 從遠企上建國快速路一路狂飆,車速總在100公里 以上, 尤其上中山高後,更高達120公里 ,見車就超,過林口收費站, 3點35分。應該趕得上,只是不知是幾航廈?美國?第一航廈 航班較多,堵一堵。 一路借款上,昨晚的問題,及等一下碰到她,應如何開口?要怎麼 打算?要求認養?有可能接回台灣?她怎麼想?她可能回台灣嗎? 所有的問號不斷串出,卻沒有一個肯定、具體的答案。然而卻 不得不想,因那是等會見面就必需觸及的,不是嗎? 眼看右轉轉進入機場交流道,3點55分,快了。 精神稍鬆懈下來,昨晚的輾轉難眠的疲疲支票借款倦,橡賊一樣的襲上, 哈欠連連,眼皮越來越重,拼命的捏耳朵,按摩頸部, 仍舊抬不起眼皮。 突然『轟』一聲,睜眼一看,車子碰到安全島,瞬間右偏, 嚇出一身冷汗,不自覺煞車,方向盤緊急左打半圈,車子飛起來, 『我靠,真出事了。。』 第二天報紙報導:昨天下午四點左右,在東向機場高速公路靠近 信用貸款 大園交流道前400公尺處,有一輛黑色休旅車翻車,整部休旅車掛 在中間安全護欄上,男駕駛李興飛出車外,躺在對向內車道上。 所幸當時,對向車道無車經過,經高速公路警察及時搶救送醫, 重傷,到醫院昏迷指數三,現正在長庚醫院搶救中。 據警方調查,男駕駛李興抽血檢驗,無酒精反應,初步判斷應屬疲勞 駕駛,車子偏向中汽車貸款間安全護欄,駕駛緊急右轉,煞車過急,至車子 失去重心,翻轉兩圈,飛上護欄。。。。 ~待續敬請期待~ 人生若只如初見 (四)如后http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jamescrko/article?mid=1202&next=999&l=f&fid=20 人生若只如初見 (二)如后銀行利率http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jamescrko/article?mid=979&prev=999&next=544&l=f&fid=20

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收心活動~白木屋下午茶要開工囉 上班/上課前來做個"收心操"因為前幾天都陰雨綿綿 也沒機會出門溜搭來個近據點的小散步 當作辦公室出租是收心活動吧因為想吃甜點.. 走!去白木屋看看吧白木屋文化館門口可愛的大型模型蛋糕本來路上一直醞釀著要吃蛋糕的心情可惜今日的蛋糕櫃讓買屋人有點失望(也許是期望過高吧)今天的蛋糕種類很"單薄" 一點也不"豐盛"既無法滿足我的胃 連視覺享受都不夠色彩後來點了熱拿鐵 (真沒澎湖民宿創意!到那兒都點熱拿鐵)還有冰淇淋(管她天冷不冷~夏天要吃麻辣鍋.冬天要吃冰淇淋才過癮嘛!)庭園咖啡區有流水造景...有點日式禪風 願力池情趣用品裡有八個吉祥幣喔~~年年有餘 心心相印 大吉大利 心想事成 財源廣進  恭喜發財 吉祥如意 金玉滿堂戶外有很多隻大型公仔小朋友都愛澎湖民宿和他們照相  因為真的好可愛其實大人也愛照 因為和大型公仔合照  呵!呵!超顯瘦的啦食神慕慕巧克蛋寶 ↑忍者展示的小公仔也好花蓮民宿可愛沒得買...要消費集點兌換(100元1點 6點換一隻  恩~算了吧)除了咖啡廳...還有禮品區...可以買伴手禮另巧克力館展示的巧克力都製作看房子的好精美細緻喔這兒是巧克力禮品區玫瑰~(小時候玩紙黏土也做過耶)這對對小熊貓粉可愛這不小時候捏的泥娃娃 是巧克力娃娃高跟鞋可是紅色漆土地買賣皮的喔香蕉的皮做得好生動喔嚇一跳~竟發現一隻烏龜2F展示館有很多造型特別的籐編座椅這象是牙齒下面這2個圓椅在館內不算是奇特只是葛格和酒店經紀美眉很認真的在研究如何坐才能把圓屁屁剛好塞在那個圓心裡 哈 哈 哈!這面牆是巧克力磚造型超大玫瑰白巧克力這是冰淇淋區的海報喜歡~就把酒店工作它拍下來

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無名一故事 即過去之事我們可以說故事但不用抱裝潢著故事~因為已經過去了襯衫~******************************************小型辦公室************ 忍耐 和 調適 根本不同 只會忍耐室內設計 那就是傻 會調適 才是聰明商務中心*******************************************賣房子********************* 人是矛盾的動物 活著的東森房屋時候希望麼事都不要做 要死之前希望可以做任何禮服事!

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  • Oct 23 Tue 2012 12:09
錶自己第一只鎢剛.真鑽手錶多角切割,所以會有亮亮的感覺哦紫羅蘭結婚西裝mono錶.防水那時買是準備要跟朋友到墾丁浮淺用的第一只XC錶會場佈置  也是我買給自己最高貴的錶那時是梁詠琪代言的這款,珍珠母貝情趣用品的底.夜光.計時設計原本是皮的錶帶,結果不耐用,一下就爛爛的又花了賣房子一筆錢改成鋼帶,結果剛換好時,小老板錶帶沒弄緊騎車騎到一半,居然591掉到地上,夭受害我心情不爽到谷底,之後錶有時會自動停下 可能是傷票貼到內部所以換電池的頻率變多次,但好險這2年正常多了買的時後很貴呢商務中心,結果要賣時只值1仟又捨不得賣,就繼續陪在我身邊囉有陣子流行玫瑰膠原蛋白金的飾品.手錶這款是跟鎢剛錶同時買,也是珍珠母貝底但珍珠底的亮跟宜蘭民宿感覺比不上XC錶等級有差囉,戴沒多久,玫瑰金就有點退色也是真鑽,有居酒屋掉鑽補鑽的服務哦

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Winnie班的跳遠高手前一陣子才剛跟小朋友說到以烤肉食材後要讀的學校 體能課就是體育課 而且並不完全關鍵字排名都是球類運動還有說到跳遠結果小朋友一直問:什賣房子麼是跳遠阿剛好體能課就上到跳遠了一開始小朋友酒店打工還不會後來都有練跳成功雖然有幾個  因為太平洋房屋體重有一點點超標的關係但是人家的姿勢也是一百訂做禮服的啦! 以下都是在試跑練習的說真的 Michelle老酒店兼職師也還在練習該如何拍哪個角度拍最美啦 以下這設計裝潢張的姿勢是最帥的啦!我要去投稿 攝影比賽唷! 以辦公室出租下是正式的開始跳遠了唷! 以下是NG照~哈!哈!沒會場佈置有練跳成功的

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  • Oct 21 Sun 2012 18:27
  • 可惡


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